Facts for UK nationals visiting or moving to Spain

You can only visit for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period. You can use this for tourism, business travel, medical services, and other short term visits.

For all other stays, you’ll need a valid long-term Visa or Residency.

Spanish Non-lucrative visa

You to live in Spain as long as you can support yourself. The restriction is that you cannot work or carry out professional activities that generate an income in Spain.

There are main three requirements:

  1. Show you can support yourself without working in Spain.
  2. Have eligible Health Insurance while you live in Spain.
  3. Meet the required police and medical checks.

If you want to renew, you must have lived in Spain for 183 days of the last year.

You can live in Spain for one year, and after that, you can renew for two-year periods for as long as you choose.

If you have lived in Spain for more than five years, you may be eligible for Residency which gives you the right to live and work in Spain.

Applying for a Spanish Visa in the United Kingdom

Driving Licences

If you are a resident, you need to swap your UK drivers licence for a Spanish one. You have a maximum of 6 months to start this process after arriving.

If you have lived in Spain for more than six months, your UK licence may no longer be valid. If you don’t swap in this time, you may have to do the Spanish driving test to get a Spanish licence.


UK Government Guidance

Healthcare in Spain after Brexit

Many British Expats living in Spain will continue to be eligible for public health care after Brexit. For those living in Spain or moving to Spain after Brexit, the withdrawal agreement includes public cover for these groups:

  • Anyone on a UK state pension, S1 form, and some long-term UK disability benefits.
  • Those on a Spanish pension or benefit program.
  • Employed and self-employed workers who are paying social security contributions and who have a social security number.
  • Spanish permanent residents (PR).
  • Dependent children.
  • Those under 26 years old with a Spanish Student visa.

If you don’t belong to one of those groups, then you’ll need health cover.

For more information, call the Overseas Healthcare Team:
Tel: 0044 191 218 1999

For more information on Pensions, Benefits & Healthcare: www.ukinspain.fco.gov.uk

Schools & Education

There are no British schools on the island of Fuerteventura.

Children start school from the age of 3 and it is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16 if the parents are legally resident in Spain. School is free from pre-school to 18 years. Pre-school is not obligatory and not all children can gain a place. Education is free accept that parents are required to purchase books and materials.

British Council www.britishcouncil.es
Spanish Ministry for Education www.mec.es

Animals & Pets

Pet Travel Scheme: www.defra.gov.uk

Woodside Cargo SL for pet travel: www.woodsidecargosl.com

What’s in it for the Elders?

Some retirees choose to relocate entirely, whilst others choose to ‘winter’ here. Many find the climate extremely beneficial when suffering from conditions such as arthritis.

Finding the right property, whether or not it’s a luxury villa or an apartment near the beach, is obviously one of the biggest considerations.

UK State Pension

You will need to tell the UK government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax if you are moving or retiring abroad.

If you retire in Spain, you can claim:

Read the Money and Pension Service guidance on pension and retirement changes for more information on cross-border pensions.